The Astronomical Park in Isnello: observing the stars in the heart of the Madonie
Just 20 km from the town of Cefalù stands the GAL Hassin International Center for Astronomical Sciences, near the town of Isnello. Specifically, it is a large complex that includes:
•observational station with large-field reflector telescope, which made this place the highest observational station in Italy, at 1865 m above sea level;
• operating station for remote control of the telescope with optical and electronic laboratories dealing with astronomical research activities;
• structure for dissemination and teaching at the municipality of Isnello, in Contrada Fontana Miri.
History After the middle of the last century, Italian Astronomy thought that it was essential to have a National Telescope of three meters in diameter, so it was started a search for the appropriate location where the National Observatory could be built. Sicily was chosen for its position, which guarantees a better view of the southern sky and because, being an island of the Mediterranean, the perturbations quickly flow on it.
In addition, the sky of the Madonie is characterized by a strong sparkle of stars, especially immediately after sunset. The educational-popular Polo Il Polo, near Isnello in Contrada Fontana Miri, consists of:
• a digital planetarium with a dome of 10 m in diameter;
• a mobile observation terrace with 12 observation instruments;
• a structuralmuseumandledidactic;
• a radio telescope;
• a solar laboratory, a spectroscopy set;
• an outdoor astronomical laboratory, with several sundials (e.g. equatorial sundial, wind rose), acoustic parabolas and a monumental globe.
A unique and unmissable experience within the Madonie Park: to reconcile scientific research with the modern dissemination of astronomical sciences and enjoy the view of the stars in the open air and in the middle of nature.